BlastStation-Local64 is specialized to 64-bit local NCBI Blast+ or 64-bit local NCBI Blast search on your PC. BlastStation-Local64 provides 64-bit NCBI Blast+ or 64-bit local NCBI Blast search capability up to twice as fast as 32-bit NCBI Blast+ and NCBI Blast. You can use databases available from the NCBI ftp server and/or create databases from your FASTA files. BlastStation-Local64 also supports large virtual database to tie up multiple databases. For example, it enables blastp searches over nr.00, nr.01, nr.02, nr.03, and nr.04. BlastStation-Local64 automatically detects multi cores available and uses them for BLAST searches.
To purchase a BlastStation-Local64 license from TM Software, Inc., the maker of BlastStation, click purchase button below. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express through PayPal.
All sales are final and non-refundable, because License key can be easily duplicated.
All prices are subject to change without prior notice.
License key will be emailed to you within 5 minutes. When the purchased license is entered in BlastStation-Local64 downloaded from the Trial section above, all limitations of trial version will be gone and it will be used as a production version.
Permanent License fee includes unlimited E-mail supports and unlimited automatic minor upgrades. Permanent License is valid permanently.