BlastStation-Local Help


Introduction to BlastStation-Local

 FASTA data input

 Job submission

 How to read results

Instructions in detail

 Download database

 Create database

 Remove database

 Delete jobs

 Backup jobs

 Restore jobs

 Search parameters settings

 Navigation in result window

 Export search results

 Export FASTA data

 Preference settings

 Data directory

Menu Reference

 File menu

 Edit menu

 Job menu

 Tools menu

 Help menu


Navigation in result window

Search results window consists of the graphics part and the table part.  When the mouse cursor is on the border of these two parts, it will become splitter.  By pushing and dragging this splitter, the size of each part can be changed.

The graphics part consists of the ID part and the bar graph part.  When mouse is located on the ID, the mouse cursor becomes hand icon and the sequence data will be displayed by clicking mouse.  Sequence data is online data or FASTA datum in the database.  When mouse is moving around in the bar graph part, the color of the bar graph will be changed and the query coordinates and the subject coordinates will be given.  Clicking the bar graph will highlight the corresponding data in the table.

The summary of the search results are shown in the table.  When mouse is located on the ID, the mouse cursor becomes hand icon and the sequence data will be displayed by clicking mouse.  The definition is not truncated.