BlastStation-Free HelpWelcomeIntroduction to BlastStation-FreeFASTA data inputJob submissionHow to read resultsRemote BLAST SearchEBI NCBI-BlastEBI WU-Blast2Local BLAST SearchDownload databaseCreate databaseBLAST machine selectionInstructions in detailDelete jobsBackup jobsRestore jobsRemove databaseSearch parameters settingsNavigation in result windowExport search resultsExport FASTA dataPreference settingsData directoryMenu ReferenceFile menuEdit menuJob menuTools menuHelp menu
EBI WU-Blast2When you are going to perform remote EBI WU-Blast2 search, please click "EBI:WU-Blast2" radio button in the BLAST Machine section. Available databases for selected Program will be shown in the Database pull-down menu. When blastn, tblasn, or tblastx is selected, available databases are em_rel, emnew, em_rel_env, and so on. Please refer to the database section of EBI_Help for the details of the databases. When blastp or blastx is selected, available databases are uniprot, swissprot, and so on. Please refer to the database section of EBI_Help for the details of the databases. When "Options" button is clicked, "Options" dialog will be displayed. Type in or select new parameters and click "OK" to setup search parameters. "Default" button will restore the default values. "Cancel" button will close the dialog without changing any parameters. |