BlastStation-Free Help


Introduction to BlastStation-Free

 FASTA data input

 Job submission

 How to read results

Remote BLAST Search


 EBI WU-Blast2

Local BLAST Search

 Download database

 Create database

 BLAST machine selection

Instructions in detail

 Delete jobs

 Backup jobs

 Restore jobs

 Remove database

 Search parameters settings

 Navigation in result window

 Export search results

 Export FASTA data

 Preference settings

 Data directory

Menu Reference

 File menu

 Edit menu

 Job menu

 Tools menu

 Help menu



Preference settings

On the Edit menu,  click Preferences.  The Preferences dialog opens. 

In Font Settings section, "FASTA data", "Graph", or "Table" button will display the Font Dialog and screen fonts and printer fonts for each part can be set.

In CPU Setting section, number of cores to use in local blast search can be specified.  Default value is the maximum cores found on your PC.

Please click "OK" when you change the setting.

Troubleshooting check box is for debugging purposes.